SNEWC Planning Team

Julie Evans

Julie Evans


Julie is both honored and pleased to serve as Team Leaderof the SNEWC.   She served 6 years as a member of the service committee and was previously active in the Eastern District.

She graduated from Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina (a UCC affiliate) and is a member of North Stonington Congregational Church where she is Stewardship Coordinator, and serves on Publicity, Women’s Fellowship, Mission Committee and works on other special events,.   She is currently president of the Mystic Area Ecumenical Council as well as being a church rep.

Her husband. Richard B. Evans. is a semi-retired mathematician. Their 3 children are Everett, deceased in 2016, Helen and Tom.  Tom and wife Maya Bhat have 2 children – Naveen and Priya.


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