In the Fall of 2019 the Board members attended a retreat at Silver Lake Conference Center for a weekend of reflecting on the history and visioning of the organization. They broke bread together and brainstormed during quiet times. The women shared about the various events and activities of the women’s groups in each of their churches. It was a wonderful chance to share ideas and plan for the future.
September 30, 2023 a Fall Retreat is being planned to be held at the Barrington Congregational Church in Barrington, RI – a day of relaxation and rejuvenation is planned. See Events here on the website for sign-up information!

Annual Gatherings
Every year we hold our annual Spring Gathering usually in April at one of our many member churches. We have a gathering time, a marketplace for shopping and showcasing various churches, a speaker or speakers and/or activity, a lovely lunch, our Recognized Women presentations followed by a worship service before we dismiss to head back to our respective towns. It is a great opportunity to share ideas with other churches in the conference and form new friendships!
APRIL, 2023
These are our recognized women from our April 15. 2023 Spring Gathering at First Congregational Church, Hadley, MA. These ladies were honored by various churches from throughout the SNE Conference for all their outstanding contributions to their various churches. Congratulations to all these wonderful women!!